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Quick Start

This page will be based on Unity and TypeScript.



DoguRpgSample project

In the case of Unity, there are gamium-unity-samples prepared in advance. Please open DoguRpgSample during these projects with Unity Editor.

Play DoguRpgSample

  1. Clone the gamium-unity-samples git repository.
  2. Open the gamium-unity-samples/DoguRpgSample directory with Unity Editor.
  3. Open Assets/Scenes/Login.unity as shown in the screenshot below.
  4. Press the play button to confirm that the project is running normally.

Well done if the game is playing as below.

The engine is now running without problems. Next, let's connect the client to the engine.

Connect to the engine

  1. Open the gamium-unity-samples/client/typescript directory with Visual Studio Code.
  2. Open the terminal and execute the following command.
    • This command initializes the automation script project, connects to the running gamium engine, and runs the automation script.
yarn install
yarn run:DoguRpgSample

If the test proceeds as shown in the screen below, you followed the guide well.


Next thing to look around